ALL DONATIONS FUND offered by the devotees would be contributed to "The Development of WUTAISHAN Project" (new Buddhist Garden in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada).
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一時佛在忉利天宮白玉座上,與大比丘大菩薩等,及彼天主無量眾俱。 時彼大梵天王、那羅延天、大自在及五乾闥婆王等,各與眷屬俱來至佛所,欲問如來造塔之法,及塔所生功德之量。會中有菩薩名觀世音, 知其意,即從座起,偏袒右肩、右膝著地、合掌向佛,而作是言:「世尊!今此諸天乾闥婆等故來至此,欲請如來造塔之法,及塔所生功德之
爾時,世尊說是偈言:「『諸法因緣生 我說是因緣 因緣盡故滅 我作如是說』善男子!如是偈義,名佛法身,汝當書寫,置彼塔內。何以故﹖一切因緣及所生法性空寂故。是故我說名為法身。若有眾生解了如是因緣之義,當知是人即為見佛。」
The “Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower” Sutra:
At that time, there manifested before the Buddha, a Stupa made of the seven jewels. It was five hundred yojanas in height and two hundred and fifty yojanas in breadth. It welled up out of the earth and stood in empty space, adorned with all kinds of jeweled objects. It had five thousand railings and thousands of myriads of alcoves. Countless banners and pennants adorned it as well. Jeweled beads were hung from it and myriads of millions of jeweled bells were suspended from its top. The scent of Tamalapatracandana issued from all four sides and filled the entire world. All its banners and canopies were made of the seven jewels: gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother of pearl, carnelian, pearls and agate reaching up to the palace of the four heavenly kings.
From the Heaven of the Thirty-Three there rained heavenly mandarava flowers as an offering to the jeweled Stupa. All the gods, dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, humans, non-humans and so forth, thousands of myriads of millions of them, made offerings to the jeweled Stupa of all kinds of flowers, incense, beads, banners, canopies, and instrumental music, reverently honoring it and praising it.
Master Tsuan Hua’s Commentary:
If anyone want to become a Buddha, one must undergo testing by the demons, too. So do not have so much false thinking. Study the Buddhadharma with one mind and one heart. When you listen to the Dharma lectures, take notes. When sitting in meditation, do not indulge in false thinking. That makes it harder for demonic obstacles to arise. Those who have not had demonic obstacles should help those who have. Aid them with the power of contemplation in meditation. Help them beat their demons back and overcome their obstacles. In this way they can, as the saying goes:
Have a share in the true way,
And make progress in the Way,
And avoid demons.
Everyone has a share in cultivation.
Anyone will be doing this sort of contemplation
and all of us should, too. Do not be turned by states.
The Stupa of Cham Shan Temple portrays Millennium's Worth of Art
The Symphony of The Falls plays for eternity
願以此功德 莊嚴佛淨土
上報四重恩 下濟三塗苦
若有见闻者 悉發菩提心
盡此一報身 同生極樂國